26 April 2007

Crabby People make me...Crabby

Shopping Cats in Parking Spaces, self-centered driving, and Blog whining.

Let's all pledge to simply stop the madness.

You teach your children by example. More powerful than any wordsthat you will every say is how you behave. Do as I say, not as I do is NOT A PARANTING STRATEGY. It's Hypocracy. Pure and simple.

Take 30 seconds and be courtious to others. Your children will be courtious in 20 years. Brake for pedestrians--your children won't plow into one when they are driving. Hold doors, offer to help someone who has their arms full. Be courageous--rake the yard of am elderly neighbor or one whose spouse is serving in the military REGARDLESS OF HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT THE WAR. Teach your children to live generously-before Oprah suggests it.

Live with your heart and your head. Live community and your kids will create one.


Knitting Granny said...

Sometimes it seems we live in a society of rudeness. Thanks for the reminder. It takes just a moment to be kind and what a caring legacy to leave our children.

RoxyK said...

Many thanks for your comment ;) Things are much better now.

On foot measurement, I did follow Kaci's instructions for the Monsoon Sock but it was still too large.....it seems toe up length is a little hit and miss. All fun learning though isn't it?

yarnivorous said...

Good points on the rudeness.
I suggest you drop by my blog again....

Andi said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! I knit my Wild Tide yarn using the October pattern from "The Sock Calendar." Stats on the book: published in 2002, with a website of heartstringsfiberarts.com