26 March 2008

11 Months to the Day

It's an anniversary of sorts. The stall of the blog, the acknowledgment that I am picture-challenged and a new appreciation for simple things. I quickly and dramatically ran out of gas. One the plus side--I'm not the first or the last and I'm in great company! There are many, many highly creative and successful folks on these lists. So where's my name? That's a project for another day.

I often say, "Knitting has kept me sane and continues to do so." I am a 'process' creative, so there are plenty of UFOs. Like this one:

Emily, the wonder roomate's Inside Outs in STR's 'Highway 30'. Can you spot the issues? In addition to wide feet, Em's got a high instep. This one wasn't high enough. Ahd the HOLE--see the hole? Who knit these socks.......I frogged them both to just below the heel. And stalled. And so it went with several pair over the last year.

I joined Ravelry in June. And started actually using it's tools about a week ago. And for teh bonus round? That's right, "What are No Pictures?" Soon. Really.

Here's what using Ravelry has taught me (over the least 10 days). 1)I have LOTS of things on the needles. Many, many more than I realized. 2)4-25qt. plastic bins of sock yarn is bordering on excessive. That's stand on the edge of being a Thing. 3)I haven't finished cataloging the yarn that I look at everyday. I wonder what's in the back of the closet...... Do you know how many pictures I need to take?

Right along with the hard things, there was this:

My baby sister went off to University. K8's not a baby anymore. She hasn't been one in a very long time. 20 years old. Somewhere between crawling and Christmas she became a lovely young woman. She worked really hard to get to this point. Interestingly, getting accepted was the easiest piece. I thought that the details of becoming a foreign student were going to make me crazy. There were funding issues and VISA issues and changed flights and forgotten items. There were days that she thought that it was a pipe dream. She's now a hemisphere and half a world away. And exactly where she is supposed to be.

Finishing my stalled projects is very similar. There are days that I don't believe that I will ever put a dent in them or have a "real person's" living room. And my silly sister believes that it will happen. Perhaps not in her lifetime, but it will happen.

This leaves me with much more time. Time to knit, time to take pictures and time to get back on the horse.