26 April 2007

Crabby People make me...Crabby

Shopping Cats in Parking Spaces, self-centered driving, and Blog whining.

Let's all pledge to simply stop the madness.

You teach your children by example. More powerful than any wordsthat you will every say is how you behave. Do as I say, not as I do is NOT A PARANTING STRATEGY. It's Hypocracy. Pure and simple.

Take 30 seconds and be courtious to others. Your children will be courtious in 20 years. Brake for pedestrians--your children won't plow into one when they are driving. Hold doors, offer to help someone who has their arms full. Be courageous--rake the yard of am elderly neighbor or one whose spouse is serving in the military REGARDLESS OF HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT THE WAR. Teach your children to live generously-before Oprah suggests it.

Live with your heart and your head. Live community and your kids will create one.

24 April 2007

Of Cabbages and Kings.....

My world is picking up speed and I'm not terribly sure that I'm up for the challenge. Purses, purses and more purses. There are felted purses to be made, there are larger versions to be reworked and today was all about the theme of the first rose of spring. And there's a sweater looming on the horizon. One who's yarn hasn't come in yet. And it needs to be done by June 1.

I am at Threat Level "Concerned".

In an effort to soothe myself, I did a bit of shopping. Online shopping. Always dangerous. I really should have a contest to see who could guess what I bought. A purse! And I don't even carry one. It's a gift for my DS, something that she would never, ever purchase for herself. There was also a trip to not one, but two LYSs chasing colors for the Rose of Spring purse. Relax, it's not felted. The jury is out on whether or not it needs crystals (to sparkle like dew). Lastly was a mission for journaling supplies. I have a clear vision for a knitting journal...it will be interesting to see how it unfolds (literally).

I recently changed calendar formats in another attempt to go totally paperless. A small monthly pocket planner did not help where the calendar on my phone failed. I went to an appointment today that is scheduled tomorrow and I've asked about the next two days multiple times as I fear forgetting something. It might be time to consider a new Palm.

It was so warm and sunny again today that I believe that I have a bit of heat rash along my hairline--always attractive. First the obsession with knitting and not small red dots all over my forehead. It is probably best to hole up at home, knit like crazy and gently introduce myself to the warm weather like the plants--a little bit each day.

Tomorrow, I'm after getting a picture of the growing buds on the tree outside--it's fantastic. I'll share shortly.

22 April 2007

Knitter's Coffee Swap Part Deux

A Bit about Me

1. Whole Bean
2. Decaf (it's sad, I know)
3. Typically regular but I enjoy flavored too.
4. I drink my coffee dark, thick and with a generous amount of cream. I love organic cream.
5. Friday's is Roadkill Latte day. Decaf, Soy, SF Hazelnut Latte. Best soffee ever would have to be Egyptian or Italian. Funny, both are made on the stove top.
6. If I were to answer honestly, I would have to say that I get a bit Sally-esque about my coffee. I'm particular about beans and cream, but as long as a latte/ cappuccino is made well, I'm easy.
7. Michael's Biscotti (from my local bread shop), a chocolate coffee bean or a good, biscuit-like scone. Seasonal fruit on the side.
8. Goodness, I hope not. :b
9. What's not to love...Wool, organic anything, cotton, linen, silk.
10. Cat Hair and 100% acrylic (while both have their purpose, not with my coffee or my knitting)
11. Um, could this question be qualified, please? I'm a process knitter. Kate Gilbert's "Cardigan for Arwen", a tribute to Vivian Hoxbro, 3-5 different socks, a summer rectangle with arm holes (and the perfect soft yellow), Norah Gaughan's Rams Horn Sweater"; and Rita O'Connell's "Garden Maze Cardigan" have floated to the surface of the stash. There's lace bit I don't typically sock and work lace at the same time.
12. Mostly cool tones--greens, blues, greys a bit of chocolate brown
13. Not to food or fibers, please don't send me grass or a tree.
14. I'm sentimental--my sister dyed sock yarn for me and I love the socks that it became--not because the colorway is particularly "perfect" but because she dyed it with me in mind. I also love to learn about anything and am inspired by pictures of all kinds.

Let It Rain

A front went through last night. I didn't sleep. It's not as bad as it sounds, I enjoy those nights. Millie eventually gets tired and goes to bed after trying every bed behavior that she knows to get me to go too. When clear Kitty ESP fails to procure me obedience, she sacks out withing the 7ft. radius. She is at her most relaxed and endearing. We had a wonderful night.

Let it Rain

Make this day down, the weather was predicted correctly. It has begun to rain. A nice, lovely spring rain that will quench the ground and encourage new spring growth. It's the beginning of the season of greens! I believe that it will be a Window Box Wednesday this week.

On the knitting Front
I had thought to make the most of some quiet time and finish the first of my toe-up RPMs but the sock is a bit like the unicorn today. It has been Heel Time for a few weeks and the sock has waited patiently. I knew that I has knitted a bit farther than necessary but Ye Old Tape Measure said more than 3 inches! And further checking revealed that despite not being of the digital generation, my abacus tape measure was still correct.

I did inquire about a photo, but the frogged, curly pile of BFA Peakcock was embarassed to have brought my so low. And so begins my Widdershins. The Inside Outs Part Deux are midway. The first awaits an invisible bindoff and I need to do the other this week as Operation Stalk the Mailman begins next week.

Cross your socks as I work to focus on working toward completing pairs and having more FOs this year than last.....

19 April 2007

Socks, Socks, and more Socks

I have been socking. And socking. And socking some more. Houston we have a pair! And three singles! A second pair of Inside Outs, a pair of toe-up RPMs and another fabulous Jaywalker. They all need mates. But then, who doesn't.....

08 January 2007

Resistence is Futile


Everyone's doing it.
And now I am too.

Purpose and intent: primarily for accountability---knitting accountability. If I don't, the UFO's are going to get me. My STASH is on the verge of taking over my life. My STASH philosophy? I chose and invited each skein; I will knit each and every last one. For the most part, each skein came with the intention of becoming something. A specific something. The second and more social reason: it is time to stop consuming and to start contributing. My third and final reason: Opinions are free and I have plenty of them.

BUYER BEWARE: I have little or nothing of useful interest to say and I am not here to entertain.